Exterior painting 2 coat deal
In working with potential clients over the past 10+ years, they sometimes mention that “the other painter says they are applying 2 coats on the exterior. Are you applying 2 coats?”
Exterior painting 2 coat deal: While this may seem like an easy question, it is often a less than honest answer when others say “yes, we apply 2 coats” without any further explanation.
What most companies mean is that they will apply 2 coats
“wet-on-wet”. Meaning they will spray each area left-to-right, then right-to-left. In other words, when the painter is spraying an area, he will press the spray trigger, and spray from the left to the right, then immediately sweep the same area from the right to the left. While they may consider this “2 coats” most homeowners do not. When painting an exterior, sweeping left-to-right, then right-to-left, is the common practice in order to get the proper coverage. At VIP Services, we consider 2 coats (either interior or exterior) as painting 1 coat, letting the first coat dry, then applying a 2nd coat. This is obvious when painting interiors. If the interior painter simply rolled up, then immediately rolled down a wall with a paint roller, no one would consider it as “2 coats”.
When comparing exterior estimates, consider the cost of 2 coats.
Most brick home exteriors, with roughly 2000 sq. ft, or so, require approximately 8-10 gallons of paint., at roughly $30/gal. If a painter were truly providing 2 coats on the exterior, the extra cost would be a least $250 – $300 for materials + the cost of labor, overhead, etc. of at least an added $250 – $300. This would make the “2 coat” cost approximately $400 – $500 more than the one coat cost.
Also, 2 coats on an exterior is generally unnecessary, when the home is scraped, primed and sprayed correctly. If prepared properly, an exterior paint project should last many years without repeated maintenance. VIP Services provides a detailed list of 30+ steps with our painting process, to insure a long lasting result.
Be an expert BEFORE you hire. Review our website and our pages on “How To Choose” and “When You Go Low Bid”.