
The arrival of a new family member brings a lot of excitement and expectation, as well as the need for preparation. Whether you’re expecting a new baby, planning to foster a child, or welcoming a relative to live with you long-term, having additional space will keep living arrangements comfortable for everyone.

Here is why you should consider a room addition for an expanding family:

Schools and Daycare

For those adding a new child to the family, the quality of schools comes into play. If your current home is near schools that you trust, then expanding your existing space to accommodate your family can keep you near the schools you plan on having your child attend. Moving to a different district can add stress to your lifestyle.

The distribution of daycares and preschools in the area are also a defining factor for parents looking for dependable childcare for younger children. It takes a while before your child will be ready for kindergarten, so childcare for infants and toddlers is as equally important. If your area is a goldmine for great childcare, hold on to your home and add a room.

Favorite Local Amenities

Is your favorite restaurant just a hop and skip away? Is your bank next to your work and not too far from the post office? Sometimes, homeowners find a great setup of amenities in their community. They’re positioned just right to make local stores, services, and necessities accessible. These services are also quality services that the homeowner trusts.

Finding a new network of trustworthy services in a different community can involve a lot of legwork. With a new baby or loved one to attend to — that can be stressful. This is why adding a new bathroom or in-law suite can be a better solution to accommodate the needs of loved ones or a new child.

Also, if you have established yourself near friends, family, hospitals, and other sources of consistent social support, then making a move away from these places can make the adjustment to your new family structure more complicated than it needs to be.

Examine the Actual Costs

If your home is mostly paid off and you have the financial bandwidth to borrow against it for renovation costs, you can still end up with a monthly refinance payment that is lower than taking out a new 30-year loan for a home.


When you go shopping for a different house, you have to pick what’s already been built. But when you order a home addition, you can work with designers to make a personalized interior design plan that is tailored to your specific interests and needs.

Improve Your Home’s Value

If you plan on living in your home for a few years, consider the long-term impacts on your home’s value. If your home needs an extra bathroom or bedroom to be comparable to properties in your area, adding a room can make it more marketable. If you plan on selling in the future, a room addition can help you justify a higher listing price.

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